Birdsall Marine Design now has a 50” Bait Master with a 60 gallon live bait well. The bait well itself is 37 1/2” in diameter. Baits will stay alive longer in the large circular well. The bait well can be pressurized by locking down and sealing the lid. This will save bait from being sloshed around while running to your favorite fishing hole. The 50” Bait Master also has plenty of storage. The unit has a small locker on each end. On the rear is a tackle locker measuring 9”x45 1/2” x 10” deep. On the front side is an access door for system maintenance. Our 50” Bait master’s foot print is 47” wide by 42” for and aft. She stands 33 1/2” high at the cushion and is 52 5/8” wide at its widest point. The folding foot rest comes standard. The 50” Bait master comes standard with a fixed back rest. The standard backrest has a back cushion and side arm rests. As an option we offer a beautiful one peice wrap around back rest. Back rests, (standard or optional) are available with rod holders. Single color upholstery is standard. Multiple colors or stripes are optional. As usual we use only the best materials in the construction of our products. The unit comes with well fittings and hoses ready to plumb. You provide the pump system.